In Brighton and ready for dConstruct 2009
I love Brighton and I loved dConstruct last year when I came for the first time. So it was hugely exciting to get an unexpected email inviting the Jam Jar Collective to come and show off FriiSpray. The Jam Jar Collective are a group of geeks and artists interested in making interactive stuff and FriiSpray is an interactive graffiti wall that we made. The rest of them couldn't make it down, so my good friend Dave is helping me instead.
I always like to see behind the scenes, but when I arrived today with my suitcase full of projectors and laptops all the doors at the Brighton Dome were locked. Luckily I saw Jeremy Keith walking past carrying some bits of stage and he was kind enough to let me in. Everything seemed fairly calm inside and like they were pretty much ready for the activities of tomorrow. I set FriiSpray up between the O'Reilly book stand and a collection of Microsoft Surface tables. I really wanted to have a play on surface but they were doing a windows update.
I went to the pre party for a little bit, but I had an SQL problem on my mind (now sorted). Plus I really want to add some new features to FriiSpray for tomorrow, although it's getting late now. Anyway, really can't wait till tomorrow. Should be a fantastic day.