Running on alpha

This is going to be my new web site. will be the new online home of Richard Garside. But, it's not quite ready yet.

This site is running on a new CMS called Orchard. Orchard uses ASP.NET MVC, a server side technology that I've been using a lot lately and have found to be very effective. Orchard is only in alpha at the moment, so it's really early days. It's Open Source and being developed by Microsoft; strange, but true.  I think it shows a lot of potential and I'm hoping to be able to use it for lots of projects when it's ready.

It's also early days for Noggin Box. We're only at Noggin Box alpha at the moment. Noggin Box is going to be my new home on the web. My old website, was created before I went freelance. It was a place for my projects, but it doesn't really seem to fit anymore. Plus, it sometimes confuses clients. It's going to stay for a while, but once this site is ready it will take over and I'll start moving content over.

I'm not completely sure what I want Noggin Box to be yet. It will be my personal site and also a site for my freelance work. Hopefully I can strike a nice ballance between the two.

Anyway, first things first. I'm going to need a logo.